Week 11/12 Comments

http://psych31.wordpress.com/2011/12/09/qualatative-research-easy-or-harder-than-it-looks/#comment-40 – Comment needs moderation so posted below as well …

I agree with you that qualitative data is much more work than people think is involved, however it does have its disadvantages. For instance researchers only usually have a rough idea of what they are looking for whereas with quantitative a researcher knows clearly in advance what they want to find out. Therefore if your stepping into a research project not actually knowing what you are looking for, experimenter bias can be a huge issue in qualitative, they may take the results they want even if they are not the most important. Whereas with quantitative you can’t change the statistics. Again with the design, within qualitative it unfolds as the research progresses where as in quantitative it is set in stone, you know what you are doing. By now I think you can guess I am a quantitative person :P ! Just to me qualitative seems a bit to time consuming and wishy washy! Despite that it does give you a great in depth look into something if that is what you want.




Happy Christmas Everyone 😀

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